Life & Wellness 

  Hire A Life & Wellness Coach. Get priceless results. 


Private Coaching is a major personal decision & investment. 


I met my first coach when I was in my twenties. In my early thirties I hired my first private coach. 


This decision shifted the course of my life and led me on a path of health & wellness. This path helped lay the foundation for the life I live now which is vibrant and fulfilling on so many different levels. 


I want you to have this same experience. I want you to be all that you can be. Do all that you can do. Have all that you can have. Experience all that life has to offer you. Your future begins with the decision to choose You. 

You are more than enough. Everything you need is inside of you. As your coach and your personal cheerleader I will offer you support to work through any limiting beliefs that are hindering your growth. I will encourage you to stop being a spectator in your life and challenge you to begin to believe in the champion that you are and the miracles waiting to happen for you. 


You may have specific weight or life goals or you may possibly need someone to help you establish clarity in your personal endeavors. My mission is to offer you strategies and solutions and to hold you accountable to take action on the individual plan designed for you. I do not believe in a cookie cutter approach when it comes to coaching or a one size fits all approach. We will design a personalized plan based on your life and wellness goals. 


As a new partner in your life, our relationship is meant to grow intimately with honest & open communication.  It is my mission to always listen intently and with understanding and offer you support, encouragement and accountability to achieve all of your established goals. This space is always 100% confidential and there are 100% no judgements. Coaching sessions can be conducted multiple ways through Zoom, Messenger, telephone or in person if you live in the Tampa Bay Area. I do require a three month minimum to give you the amount of time necessary to create the lasting desired changes in your life. 


I have been coaching  since 2019 and I am a trained and an experienced Life & Wellness Coach.                      


My Endometriosis Coaching niche was conceived through my own health journey however my clients are very diverse. I work with men & women all over the world. They all share the same desire to become the best version of themselves and make the world a better place. 

I look forward to getting your application and working with you. 


Testimonial: Dr. George “Buzz” Kenney

By training I am a scientist and by practice a geek. Over my career, I have had the privilege of working
with amazing people on remarkable technologies at MIT and beyond. Last Fall, I had a medical
emergency that landed me in the ER for a couple of days. My doctor’s advice was to retire and take it
easy. However, I have (at least) one major medical diagnostic technology venture to complete and
needed to find a way to extend my productive runway by 5+ years. This meant losing weight, getting my
blood pressure under control, and getting in shape. After disappointedly interviewing several learned
nutritionists and trainers here in the Boston area, I met Stephanie in Florida and was immediately
impressed. Her knowledge has been meticulously hard-learned first-hand out of her own medical
necessity over several years, which she generously shares selflessly with both clients and friends. She
first very thoroughly assessed my particular needs and aspirations, and we got to work on my
customized program. We have achieved all of my initial goals and I could not be healthier. My big win is
that I now also have a new best friend for life.

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